Dry Clean Roll Lot Tags
Shop Dry Cleaning Tag Rolls At Cleaner’s Supply.Speed up your production and assembly using Roll Lot Tags to keep track of your orders. Using the Roll Lot Tag System, garments are processed in the exact order that they were checked in. This way, you can simply mark down the lot number when garments are checked in and they’ll be much easier to find when it’s time for order assembly, which cuts down on time spent looking for a master tag number. Roll Lot Tags are a great choice for businesses handling large volumes of orders. These sequentially numbered dry cleaning tags are made with wet-strength paper to hold up to cleaning and wash cycles. Each tag is perforated for easy removal and individually numbered with consecutive digits in lots of 100 or 1,000. These dry cleaning tag rolls are available in a variety of colors and several styles. Use the different colors to signify different stores, routes, days of the week, or any other system you choose to set up. For added convenience, try using Roll Lot Tags with one of our Roll Tag Dispensers to make storing and working with Roll Lot Tags quicker and easier than ever. |