Spot Cleaning Products & Dry Cleaning Tools

36 products

Get Stains Out For Good With Spotting Tools.

Spotting is easier than ever with Spotting Tools from Cleaner’s Supply. We’ve got all the tools you need to get those pesky spots out of garments with ease, including Spotting Brushes, Spotting Guns and Hoses, Stain Removers, and more Spotting Tools from Cleaner’s Supply. Choose from our heavy-duty Spotting Brushes to help work chemicals into the fabric for wet or dry spotting. We also carry traditional cork, cold, and adjustable Spotting Guns, Hoses, and Tips to lift stains. Looking for even more spotting tools? Cleaner’s Supply has you covered with Spotting Bones, Cheesecloths, Spotting Towels, Odor Eliminators, and even more spotting tools. Plus, check out our variety of Stain Removers to find everything you need to get even the toughest stains out. Browse all of our available Spotting Tools right here to find everything you need to ensure your spotting station is ready to take on any stain.